TOPIC: BVP's Great Book
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Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 10:39 pm
From: dbhguru
BVP has a new book out entitled "Identifying Mature and Old
Forests in Western Washington". It is published by the
Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Bob sent me a copy
and I have yet to formally thank him - inexcusable on my part.
Thank's ever so much, Bob.
To quote from a lead in to the book, "This guide was developed
to support management of forested state trust lands." This lead
in alone should cause some ears to perk up, but I can say right off
that no Ent interested in old growth should be without this book. I
have no idea what it's availability is, but I would encourage all
interested in the identification of old growth forests and tree
characteristics to secure a copy.
Bob's book is only 103 pages long, but every page is loaded with
useful and interesting information. Over the next few weeks, I will
address general topics and particular points that Bob makes in his
book. I will search for points that strike me as especially useful
for us here in the East.
I'll close this e-mail by saying that it is a great comfort to me to
know that I can quote from Bob's book and rest assured beyond a
shadow of a doubt that any number Bob gives us is as accurate as a
human can make it. It's source is Bob, himself, instead of someone
else's work of unknown accuracy.

Forested State Trust Lands
Identifying Old trees and Forests in Washington
Robert Van Pelt

In connection with the Definition and Inventory of Old Growth
Forests on DNR-Managed State Lands project, we have produced two
guides to identifying old trees and forests in Washington: Identifying
Mature and Old Forests in Western Washington and Identifying
Old Trees and Forests in Eastern Washington, both written by
Robert Van Pelt.
The purpose of these guides is to help readers interpret the
ecology, disturbance history, and age of a given stand or tree using
environmental features, including the physical characteristics of
the trees themselves.
A working ecological understanding of the major tree species, the
environments where they grow, and the dominant disturbance regimes
at play in a given stand is required when reconstructing stand
history and making determinations of tree and stand age. These
guides are designed to provide the tools needed for such
Identifying Mature and Old Forests In Western Washington
Identifying Old Trees and Forests In Eastern Washington (NEW October
Cover, Table of Contents, and Introduction (1,857KB PDF)
Ecological and Environmental Context (8,600KB PDF)
Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) (4,087KB PDF)
Western Larch (Larix occidentalis) (4,575KB PDF)
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) (1,827KB PDF)
Grand Fir (Abies grandis) (2,400KB PDF)
Engelmann Spruce (Picea engelmannii) - Subalpine Fir (Abies
bifolia) Forests (2,307KB PDF)
Westside Species (585KB PDF)
Conclusion, Citations, and Glossary (415KB PDF)
and Inventory of Old Growth Forests on DNR-Managed State Lands
and Inventory of Old Growth Forests on DNR-Managed State Lands
(2,790KB PDF) http://www.dnr.wa.gov/Publications/lm_ess_westside_oldgrowth_rpt.pdf
June 2005

In 2004, the
Washington State Legislature directed DNR to inventory and map old
growth forests on state-managed lands, as defined by a panel of
scientists. The resulting report is found here in two sections:
Section 1 is the report of the independent science panel (the Old
Growth Definition Committee), and Section 2 is DNR’s report on
the old growth inventory and mapping effort.