Bob Zahner's Passing
  Sep 07, 2007 09:51 PDT 

   An icon of old growth forest identification and preservation has passed - my long time acquaintenance and friend Dr. Robert Zahner. I will soon write some words into the ENTS record describing the immense contribution that Bob made to old growth awareness. I am deeply saddened at his passing.

Re: Bob Zahner's Passing   Neil Pederson
  Sep 12, 2007 16:17 PDT 
Hi All,

As Bob prepares his thoughts on the passing of Dr. Robert Zahner, I want to
send along these articles and thoughts from Dr. Zahner's hometown newspaper
before they are lost behind a subscription wall. They are very revealing -
he was a great man. He is the only person I've ever met who saw and smelled
the bloom of American chestnut. We lost a huge link to our past:

A long article on his life:

An excerpt from his book, which I highly recommend to ENTS, esp those living
in the Southern Apps.:

An article on how we should honor him by honoring the land:

Finally, his obit:
