Taking down an old-growth tuliptree and thanks to Will    Robert Leverett
   Mar 01, 2005 06:02 PST 


   To the contrary, I found your evocative, well written essay on taking
down that old-growth tuliptree very interesting and highly insightful.
The essay's inclusion on the website amply illustrates the rich kinds of
experiences and backgrounds possessed by member Ents and provides
insights to our inner thoughts about trees. In particular, your
description about your visit to the inside of the tuliptree was, simply
put, way cool. I quote.

"Not wanting to drop 8’ down and not be able to get out, I had some of
the other employees lower me down on a rope. I easily fit through the
hole in the stump, and when my feet hit the ground I was standing in
water. There was an underground stream running under the tree, complete
with pebbles and ripples. The inside of the stump was a “huge” cave that
I could stand and walk around in. Every major root was decayed under the
tree, and formed extensions of the cave in all directions. Another
“tributary” of the stream came down where one root had decayed upslope.
In some places callus growth was growing in from above to grow around
the decayed section of roots. Interestingly, there were several sprouts
with leaves growing out of the callus tissue. These sprouts were a few
inches long but were entirely white! I wish I had photos of these “cave
leaves”. They were so bizarre- perfectly formed tuliptree leaves with no
chlorophyll at all. Those photos would have been great for our tree ID

    Will, your intimate connection with trees, regularly interacting
with them from crown to roots and even from the inside out gives you an
appreciation and understanding of their architecture, natural purposes,
and beauty that few can match. I always envy you, Ed, Mike, and other
arborists as I watch you climb high into the limbs of our champions. No
other profession except yours and the forest ecologists who climb foster
the development of such intimate connections to trees.

     Our high tech society's rush to reduce trees to boring, obedient
little poles all the same diameter and height reveals the negative side
of our technology. Once we focus our attention on a species, we move to
control it, and in so doing, we rob it of its dignity and its role in
the web of life. When carried to the extremes that typify our current
way of life, it is not a very admirable legacy that we leave.

     But enough of that. It is refreshing to think of that old tuliptree
and all the purposes it served throughout its long life. It certainly
made an impact on the young Will Blozan and in your accounting of your
experience with the old tuliptree, we've all been enriched. Thanks.

RE: Taking down an old-growth tuliptree THANKS   Darian Copiz
  Mar 01, 2005 05:37 PST 


I found the story fascinating. Who knows how many good records there
are of such exploits - I enjoyed reading yours. The stream under the
tree and the white leaves made the inside of the tree sound like some
mystical cave out of the ancient past.

RE: Taking down an old-growth tuliptree   Edward Frank
  Mar 01, 2005 14:00 PST 


I think it is an excellent essay and certainly deserves to be on the
website permanently, unless you want it removed or want to revise it. I do
remove some of the posted threads after they have been up for awhile. I
will be forced to be more editorial whenever we approach our websites size
limit, but this is one essay I am sure I would want to keep.

Ed Frank