Somehow I knew you were going to ask me that... "What's the
tally, Dale?"... I'm afraid I'm going to have to recount. I
been keeping up well with my record keeping this year. I'm still
entering data as far back as May.

Large Eastern Hemlock along the Hemlock
Trail, Cook Forest State Park, PA - photo by Ed Frank |

Large Eastern Hemlock along the Hemlock
Trail, Cook Forest State Park, PA - photo by Ed Frank |
I do have one more 150ft class white pine though, along with
140ft class hemlock. They are both located in that small section
woods located between Hemlock Trail, Forest Road, and RT36. It's
one of
the last sections of old growth that I've been wanting to survey
so I
can wrap up the Cook Forest white pine tally. I've got about
half of
that section left to do. I'm hoping I can squeak out one more
class. The 140 class hemlock was a real surprise. Here's a quick
run-down on what I have for that section of woods so far:
Species CBH Height Comments
Am. beech 7 120.7 by the trail
Am. beech 8.4 124.3 bugger to measure,
another trail tree
E. hemlock 10.8 107+
E. hemlock 11 118.7+
E. hemlock N/A 124.1
E. hemlock N/A 124.4
E. hemlock 11.2 126.6
E. hemlock 9.5 130.9
E. hemlock 10.7 135.1
E. hemlock 10.2 136.3
E. hemlock 10.2 140 gorgeous tree, 300+
years old
E. white pine 9 136.9
E. white pine 10.7 141.7+
E. white pine 9.2 142.8
E. white pine 9.5 148.2
E. white pine 10.4 152.2
Yellow birch 5.8 100.4 couldn't "Eicholz" a better one
This section of woods is one of the finest old growth hemlock
stands in
the park. I've intentionally ignored it by leaving it as one of
my last
stands to survey simply because something this impressive just
can't be
THAT close (adjacent) to a major highway! Somehow I can hear you
Will in the back of my head saying something like, "Dude,
you should
know better than that by now...".
Your cabin is awaiting your presence, Sire.