Philosophizing on our needs to measure   John Knuerr
  Dec 06, 2003 05:19 PST 
Bob said: "Are there more elegant and insightful explanations to our
individual and collective behaviors in our pursuits of tree awareness?
Is it all intellectual window dressing to cover primitive instincts? Is
it Freudian?"

Here goes, feel free to add:
1. Competition among males to impress the females, eg, "My database is
bigger than yours."
2. Our way of giving the misinformed a Click & Clack Brother's "dope slap"
3. We are simply utilizing the most evolved aspects of our brain in service
of our genetic predisposition (E. O. Wilson's biophilia concept)
4. The displacement of unresolved sexual issues (back to Freud)
5. Our constant need to search is being driven by the Platonic Form of
perfect treeness
6. We are being controlled by alien forces who plan to use our data to
establish sites for their first colonies on our planet

Re: Philosophizing on our need to measure
  Dec 06, 2003 06:03 PST 


After thinking intensely about all 6 possible explanations, combinations thereof, and possible additions, I fear that many of us need go no further than #1. We have no bright colored plummages to fluff like those of our avian friends. Our physical shapes pale in comparison to the brutish profiles of the silver backs. We can't sprint like cheetahs, leap like impalas, or swim like dolphins. So what is left for us? Ah, yes, we can woo our ladies fair with the sheer sizes of our big tree databases. It all comes clear.
