Blozan's Tree Climbs

Will Blozan climbing the Seneca Pine, Cook Forest
State Park, Pa
April 26, 2003
Name Species
Location Height (updated May 25, 2003)
Boogerman, White Pine, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC 185.9
(tallest eastern tree, once 207 feet tall)
Longfellow, White Pine, Cook Forest State Park, PA 180.9
(plumb-bob measurement)
Riddle, White Pine, Chattahoochee NF, GA 178.6
(tallest tree in Georgia)
Seneca, White Pine, Cook Forest State Park, PA 169+
(state champion in PA)
Yonaguska, Hemlock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC 168.9
(largest volume hemlock ENTS has modeled)
Tsali, Hemlock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC 169.8
(tallest ever accurately measured member of its
Jim Branch, Hemlock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC 167+
No Name Loblolly Pine, Congaree, SC 167+ (Current National Champ)
East Fork Spire, Hemlock, Ellicot Rock Wilderness, SC 167+
Palmer Pole, White Pine, Cataloochee 167' (11'7")
Jake Swamp, White Pine, MTSF, MA 162.5
(tallest tree in Massachusetts)
Medlin Mountain Monarch, Hemlock, Elliot Rock Wilderness, SC,
161'10" (14'7")
Joe Norton, White Pine, MTSF, MA 161.0
Saheda, White Pine, MTSF, MA 161.2
Sequoyah, Hemlock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN 145.3
Gabes Mtn, Hemlock, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN 120.8
Longfellow Pine!!! |
Leverett |
03, 2002 19:55 PST |
(material deleted) I want to sing my old buddy's
praises. I just viewed an awesome video of Will Blozan, Michael Davie and
climbing 3 great trees: (1) a 167-foot Loblolly giant in Congaree,
(2) a
161-foot Hemlock in Walhalla, S.C., and (3) a 168 (almost) foot
Hemlock also
in Walhalla. The area of Hemlocks is on the East Fork of the
River. A close by White Pine tops 170 feet. My conclusion from
this video is
that one cannot truly know trees from ground level. The dry
descriptions of
growth from Oliver and Larson just don't hack it anymore. The old
monarchs that Will climbs are so very much more than the
garden vegetables that Oliver and Larson describe. Will's trees
veritable hotels in the forest. They harbor so much, much more
life and
serve so many more functions than just storing carbon on the stem.
forest ecologists need to get up into the canopies of these grand
trees and
seriously study what is going on. It is absolutely amazing as to
what is
going on in the canopy of these trees. Ecologists who study from
the ground
are living in a two dimensional world and are missing a world
aloft. The
complexity and diversity of canopy life gives new meaning to Bill
critique of designer old-growth, perhaps the ultimate human
Experiments that seek to blow the tops out of trees to create
cavities for a select number of birds are misguided, if not down
pathetic. Will found whole colonies of polypody ferns growing on
limbs 140+
feet in the air. Caches of pine seeds. Lichen growth inches thick.
You name
it. A whole different world. Nobody who views these films of
Will's climbs
of these ancient trees can ever seriously view trees in an old
growth forest
as just over the hill versions of tame tree farm trees. The
wildness and
diversity of these magnificent southern Appalachian and southern
forests is amply revealed from Will's canopy shots. Looking across
Conagree from a perch 160 in the air shows the tops of giant
emergents. All
that was missing was the head of a T-Rex. The shots have that
(Will Blozan's description of regrowth
on the Boogerman Pine, GSMNP)
heck of a four days |
dbhg-@comcast.net |
27, 2003 13:13 PST |
The 1st forest summit lecture series
enters the pages of forest history. The two-day series was very
successful by the goals we had established. More will be said
about the two-day series in the future, but for now, we are off to
a good start and look forward to the next event.
terms of climbs, ENTS's distinguished president Will Blozan scored
big successes. On Friday Oct 24th, Will and his climbing partner
Ed made it up the huge Tecumseh tree and we taped it to 160.1
feet. This tree had given us fits for years, but we now have a
good baseline measurement. Actually Howard Stoner gets credit for
the closest measurement with laser and clineometer. Howard is
getting to be a whiz. Congratulations Howard! You da man! Several
other measurements by Lee Frelich and myself were slightly under
to slightly over the taped length. If they were all averaged
together, we'd be very close to the taped height of the Tecumseh
Tree. Incidentally, Will and Ed were hit be a snow squall while at
the top of the tree. Wow! Ed dropped down 8 feet to provide better
counterbalance. It got a bit sporty for them. Those of us on the
ground were getting worried.
Well, I was feeling more chipper on
Sunday morning Oct 26th, when Lee, Will, Ed, and I headed north to
Claremont, NH. Will's objective was to climb a splendid white pine
that John Knuerr and I had measured the year before. The pine
grows at an altitude of 400 feet and a latitude of a little less
than 43.4 degrees. It had been given the status of New England's
tallest accurately measured tree per John's and my measurements.
However, we needed to get a good fix on it. We had bagged four
160-footers the year before at the private Claremont site and
150-footers had proven to be more common than I had originally
thought. On this trip, a number of laser-clinometer measurements
taken by Lee Frelich and myself averaged out to be about 164.5
feet. However, the taped height of the tree turned out to be 164.1
feet. Not too shabby. The key to accuracy is the laser-clinometer
combination and statistics, statistics, statistics. - which is
what we've been saying all along to bring the measured height to
with +/- 1.0 feet of taped height.
Will and his climbing partners can now claim to
have climbed higher into trees in North Carolina, South Carolina,
Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire than any other
person. Tennessee can probably be added to the list.
While Will and Ed swayed to and fro in the top
of that extraordinarily skinny Claremont white pine, Lee Frelick
and I measured other trees. I was trying to nab all the
160-footers and thought there were six. To cut to the chase, I
discovered this morning, to my surprise, that we had confirmed a
total of seven 160-footers. I had thought the number to be six,
but no, we actually have seven. Two are in a shallow ravine just
north of the ravine with the tree that Will and Ed climbed. One of
the two new trees was measured by Lee to a height of 166.1 feet. I
got 165.5 feet. It is probably the tallest. So Lee now holds the
record for Wisconsin and New Hampshire. Well, Will will just have
to return in 2004 and confirm Lee's measurement. Its girth is a
respectable 10.3 feet. By contrast, the girth of the tree that
Will climbed is a slender 8.2 feet. When the wind blew, and it
did, the tree swayed mightily. Will has plenty of images and
hopefully he'll share some with other Ents.
One observation Will made that I'm now
hesitant to dispute is the density of 150-footers in the private
Claremont Stand. Will believes that it is the highest in the
Northeast, including the indominatable Cook Forest....
Nonetheless, Will's observations about the density of 150-footers
is not to be taken lightly. He's probably right. Plus, Will has a
distinct advantage. He's seen the forest from the top of the
canopy and he reported to us tall pines jutting up everywhere.
(Full text of
trip report: A Heck of a
four Days)