Fairmont Park: General canopy: The canopy is rugged
and weathered, offering very impressive and widely textured
vistas along the trail. Old-growth characteristics are
developing as the forest ages. Canopy gaps are dominated in
some areas by Devil's walking stick!

On March
14, 2010 the Eastern Native Tree Society and Western
Native Tree Society switched from discussion lists on
Google Groups to a new discussion list in a Bulletin
Board format at:
Posts made since the inception of the BBS on March 14,
2010 will be sorted and archived on the BBS. Click on
the link to go to the equivalent section on the new BBS.
This website will continue to serve as a front end for
the ENTS and WNTS groups. It will continue to serve as a
repository of older posts, and will serve as the host
site for special projects and features that are not well
suited for a BBS format. Please visit the BBS for the
latest information and trip reports. |
Index of Cook Forest Material
Pockets Full
of Forest by Edward Frank 2.2 MB PDF file, January
29, 2010
Pockets Full Of Forest
I have completed a 48 page long document in pdf format entitled "Pockets Full
of Forest." It was the theme of a presentation I made at the
ENTS rendezvous at Cook Forest in October 2009. This is a
print version of that presentation with some minor
revisions. I want to thank Don Bertolette and Bob Leverett
for looking over the draft of this document prior to this
publication. it is too large for some reason for the Google
Group server to process....
more » Jan 29, 2010.
Pennsylvania Wilds
Marilla Resevoir revisted (part2)
Marilla Resevoir revisted (part 1) ENTS, From
September through October 2009 I took the opportunity to revist
Marilla Resevoir after an inviation from a knowledgeable local
big tree enthusiast,...
more » Feb 19, 2010.
Clarion River-Portland Mills
January 5, 2010
Winter Scenes, Reynoldsville, PA
January 1, 2010
Japanese Tree Lilac, Punxsutawney, PA
December 17, 2009
King Pennisula, Allegheny River, Forest County,
PA Nov. 2, 2009
Fall Brown Colors Nov. 2, 2009
Beartown Rocks, Jefferson County, PA
October 7, 2009
Sumac Colonies
October 5, 2009
Black Forest of Pennsylvania, part 2
October 4, 2009
Pennsylvania's Black Forest
October 4, 2009
Alleopathy Sept 24, 2009

Fallen Cucumber Tree - Four Years later ENTS, In the late winter of 2004-2005,
likely around February 2005 a large cucumbertree fell along the Red Eft
Trail at Cook Forest State Park, PA. A measurement of the tree a couple
years previously found it to be 111.2 feet tall and 11.6 feet in girth.
[link] What makes this tree particularly interesting is that a tree
ring count of cookie cut from the fallen trunk about 21 feet from the
base yielded 439 rings, making it the oldest cucumber tree ever
documented. Below is a series of photos showing the tree as it is today,
colonized by a wide variety of plants and fungi. Also a large toad
hopped under the log while I was taking these photos September r
14, 2009

The flatlander and the backhoe August 29,
Punxsutawney - Japanese Tree Lilac August 16, 2009

- Old
Growth Forest Ecology Teachers Workshop, CFSP. PA August
8, 2009

- Old Time
Lumbering Demonstration CFSP PA July 29, 2009

American Chestnut Clear Creek SF PA July 27, 2009

- Marion Brooks Natural
Area, Elk County, PA July 13, 2009

- Canoeing to Crull and
Thompson Islands, ARIW, PA June 16, 2009

- Hearts
Content, Tionesta, PA June 05, 2009
- Return to Mount
Logan, PA June 05, 2009

- Willows,
Bellefonte PA June 05, 2009 x

- American Chestnuts,
Warren, PA June 04, 2009
- Union
Church, Philipsburg, PA
May 19, 2009
- Six Mile
Run, Moshannon State Forest, central PA
May19, 2009
Cook Forest & Cooksburg
business finds March 04, 2009
- Sizerville State Park,
Emporium, PA
Feb 2009
- Allegheny River,
Refugee Islands, PA
- Willows In
Jan 2009
Marion Brooks Natural Area, Elk County, PA
Great Lakes Region
TREC & Erie Bluffs ENTS, On 7/28/09 I had a
meeting at Presque Isle State Park. Afterwards, I met with their
education staff to give them a brief tour of some of their
bigger trees at their newly acquired Erie Bluffs State Park
(previous trips known as the Coho Property):
more »
By Dale Luthringer -
Jan 13, 2010
Cemetery Run (Greendale Cemetery) - Meadville,
PA Nov. 16, 2009
Cemetery Run (Greendale Cemetery) - Meadville,
PA (part 2) Oct. 31, 2009
Cemetery Run (Greendale Cemetery) - Meadville,
PA (Part1) Oct. 31, 2009
Allegheny College-Meaville, PA
December 28, 2009
Sixteen Mile Run, Erie County PA Sept. 26, 2009

Presque Isle State Park, Erie County, PA August 26, 2009

- Lake Shore
Country Club, Erie County, PA May 3, 2009
- Oak Hill Cemetery PA
Oct 2008
- State
Game Lands 155 Oct 2008
- Walnut Creek Gorge PA
Aug 2008
- Walnut Creek PA Update
March 2008
- Erie Big Tree Tour
March 2008
- Erie Wildlife Refuge
Feb 2008
- Walnut Creek Beech
Volume Measurement Jan 2008
PA Big Tree Tour
Oct 2007
- Elephant
Oct 2007
- Nagy Sugar Maple
Sept 2007
- Mercer County White Oak
April 2007
- Conneaut Marsh Old
- Wintergreen
Gorge Gallery
Sept 2006
- Coho Property, Lake Erie
Area (now Erie Bluffs State Park) Oct 2003, Jan 2004,
Sept 2006
- Conneaut Marsh Feb 2006
- Erie Cemetery
- Tryon
Weber Woods/ Pymatuning Swamp Feb 2006
- Millcreek Township
Sycamore Aug 2005
- Erie Bluffs
State Park Aug 2005
Gorge, unnamed ravine Nov 2004
Gorge Update Oct 2004
Gorge Update/PA Rucker Index Update May 2004
- Scott Community Park
April 12, 2004
- Erie
County Old Growth March 2004
- Walnut Creek
Feb 2004
- Lake Erie
Community Park Jan 2004
- Presque Isle State Park
Dec 2003
Wintergreen Gorge July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov 2003
- Wintergreen
Gorge (Four Mile Creek) article
- Woodcock
Dam, Lake Erie Area Sept 2003
- Elk Creek and Lake Erie Gorges
Sept 2003
- Glenwood Park Woods,
Erie, PA May 2003
Pittsburgh and Its Countryside
A Mingo Creek fan-- Reading the posts this
morning, I came across this. Since I live ten miles from this
nice park, we take our dogs there for walks, and a swim in the
creek frequently. This park does harbor some outstanding
trees(especially the massive Sycamores). It is nice to know that
there is someone else in my neck-o-the woods that appreciates
the old timers...
more » Mar 9, 2010.
Mingo Creek County Park, PA ENTS I joined ENTS over 18
months ago, July 2008 (I think). Since then, I've been enjoying
the lively discussions, debate and general enthusiasm for all
things trees. I particularly like reading the field reports that
many of you have posted. Being a Pennsylvanian, I take special
interest in Dale's and Ed's reports....
more » Mar 6, 2010
Taxodium distichum-- The 90
footer that is in the neighbors yard
is just too tall! I saw some 50 yr. olds in the parks in
Pittsburgh that were about 50', this is more in the 86' range if
my calcs are correct- January 08, 2010
pics of the
- Two Butler County White Oaks -- July 14, 2009
- Plain Grove Fen,
Lawrence County, PA June 10, 2009 x

- Hogg Woods, Butler
County, PA June 10, 2009 x

- Wolf Creek Narrows
Natural Area, PA June 10, 2009 x

- Ohiopyle Revisited
(March 2008) July 2008
- Raccoon
Creek State Park
April 2008
- Ohiopyle State Park
Jan 2008
- Ryerson Station State
Park, PA Jan 2008
- McConnells
Mill State Park - Basswood Adventure
May 2007
- McConnells
Mill State Park April 2007
- Ohiopyle State Park
Nov. 2006
- McConnells Mill State Park
June 2006
- McConnells Mill State Park
May 2006
- McConnells Mill
State Park March 2006
- McConnells Mill
State Park
Feb 2006
- McConnells
Mill State Park Jan 2006
- Latodami
Nature Center
Dec 2005
- McConnells
Mills State Park
Nov 2005
- Wolf
Creek Narrows
August 2004
Laurel Hill SP - Hemlock Trail Natural Area
July 2004
Alleghenies and Her Valleys
Dutch Country Roots
Philadelphia and Its Countryside
Pennypack Park, Philadelphia, Pa ENTS, Pennypack Park is
located in Philadelphia Co., Pa. The park stretches nine miles
along Pennypack Creek, for which the park is named after, from
the Delaware River to the city's border with Montgomery Co. The
park was established in 1905 and contains 1,395 acres, nearly
all of it is wooded....
more » Jan 19, 2010.
Marple Newtown -
big and beautiful red oak Today I had the privilege of
climbing a massive red oak in the Marple Newtown vicinity of SE
PA today. The homeowner is a grower of champion orchids and was
concerned about several dead limbs from the tree overhanging her
greenhouse. The Measurements, Height- 106.3 feet Spread- 84x75
more »
By shiplax - Jan 13,
Tinicum Delaware Co found an old remnant in an odd place ENTS Yesterday My son and I
attended the annual winter survival campout with the boyscouts.
It was held, as it has been for many many years, in the "woods"
in Tinicum Delaware Co. within sight of the Philadelphia
airport. Tinicum was first settled by the Swedes in 1643, so the
area has a long history. The Lenni Lenape also lived in this...
more »
By pabigtrees - Jan
10, 2010
N Red Oak at John James Audubon Center
January 3, 2010
Henry's Woods, Jacobsburg State Park
December 12, 2009
cutting up a giant, 16.5 cbh white oak.
Check out the saw! Oct. 28, 2009
Growing Trees Nov. 24, 2007
Camp Woods, Whitpain Twp., Pa.
Nov. 7, 2009
Dark Hollow Park, Bucks County, PA August 24, 2009

Penn Charter Oaks of Wallace Twp Chester Co Penna August
3, 2009

Valley Forge National Park RGI, PA July 08, 2009
Longwood Gardens Tuliptree Champ, PA July 07, 2009
- Bryn Mawr Estate
visit, PA July 3, 2009
- Airdrie Forest Preserve, Chester
County, PA July 1, 2009
- Mont
Clare Cliffs and Ravines Rucker Index, PA May 25, 2009
- Large
Pignut, Ludwig Corner, PA May 10, 2009

- Cedar Hollow Preserve,
April 1, 2009
- Massive River Birch! -
Haverford PA
March 31, 2009
Schuylkill River Area, PA
March 20, 2009
- Common Hackberry 12 x 100 feet Cedar Hollw Reserve March
15, 2009

- Metasequoia at Logwood Gardens
March 2009
- Andruss
Island Chester County PA Feb 22, 2009
Creek State Park
- White Ash - Tyler Arnoretum
Feb 2009
- Swathmore College, Crum Creek Watershed RI
Jan 2009
- Pool Wildlife Sanctuary
- Valley Fore National Park
- Open Grown White Oak, SE PA
- Longwood Gardens - New Height Champs for the NE
Jan 2009
Northeast Pennsylvania Mountains
Pennsylvania General
2008 Miscellany
2007 Miscellany
2006 Miscellany
2005 Miscellany
Older Miscellany
External Links
- Friends of Allegheny
Wilderness Friends
of Allegheny Wilderness seeks to foster an appreciation of wilderness
values and benefits, and to work with local communities to
ensure that increased wilderness protection is a priority of
the stewardship of the Allegheny National Forest. http://www.pawild.org
- Pennsylvania Big
Tree Project http://www.pabigtrees.com
What literally covers the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from A to Z? Trees! Trees of all kinds--from Ailanthus to Zelkova. Some of these trees, the largest of each species, are found here recorded on this website. In conjunction with the Pennsylvania Forestry Association, this information is provided by Scott Wade. Scott is currently the Pennsylvania state coordinator for American Forests, and the newly elected chairperson of the Pennsylvania Big Tree Committee. Using the last published record of champion trees from 1993, We have updated those trees that we have visited and remeasured. We have also "found" many new trees to add to the list. Many volunteers and organizations have helped in this project, but the more the merrier.
- Tyler Arboretum
515 Painter Road, Media, PA 19063,
610-566-9134. Welcome to Tyler Arboretum, a sanctuary of natural beauty in the heart of Delaware County. Tyler is one of the oldest and largest arboreta in the northeastern United States, encompassing 650 acres of horticultural collections, rare specimens, ancient trees, historic buildings, and extensive hiking trails. We
have several state champion trees and several others that
are magnificent and ancient, dating back 150 - 200 years
- American Chestnut
Foundation - Pennsylvania Chapter http://www.patacf.org/
tree location form: http://www.patacf.org/Treelocator.htm
The Pennsylvania Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation
(PA-TACF) is a 501 (c) 3 not for profit with the mission to
restore the American chestnut tree to the forests of
Pennsylvania and the Eastern United States, in support of
The American Chestnut Foundation's tree breeding program and
- Trees of Pennsylvania http://www.treesofpa.com/index.html
We are pleased to introduce Trees of Pennsylvania, a comprehensive resource on the commonwealth's trees and forests. The site has been developed as both a complete information source and as a gateway to the web. Many will find everything they need right on Trees of PA; for those who need more, we will provide links to the best resources available on trees and forests.